Saturday I did a show with another etsy seller, LOLSoaps. So in between the painting I attempted to get ready. We met at 7AM (which meant leaving home at 6!), set up and fried! It was a mere 96degrees and after about 11AM there was no shade nearby. According to people who have attended or worked this show in the past, it was dead. Neither of us made a sale until about 1:30. Ashley made a few more but it was awful. At around 3:45 we started to pack it in and yours truly had a bit of a meltdown. I felt like my legs wouldn't work. A kind gentleman got me an icy water and I sat in the EMTs cart which was shaded for a bit until my legs felt sturdy again. Ashley and her DH loaded my car for which I am so grateful. I made it home fine but was tired beyond belief. I will never do an outdoor show during summer in South Carolina again! I did everything right (my clothes,drinking,eating,etc.) but 96? The only saving grace that we all appreciated? I brought my water spray bottle. Thank goodness for small squirts!
The picture shows my cloths with a bar of Ashley's soap....smells delicious but I can't use it until I finish taking more pix. Check her out!