I have not one, but 2 craft shows this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. I'm flattered that I was 'invited' to both but.....will they like me? Will my things sell? Will I hear "Now I know what to do with my box of buttons?" Will my DH be bored to tears and desert me? Will I bring enough change? Will there be people I should know but forgot their names? Will there be people I don't want to see? Will it be cool or warm? Will my back break from standing?
UGH....too many 'ifs'.
Everything is tagged and priced and looked over for flaws and packed. I have all the equipment and paper and tissue and tape and and and..........
So why am I doing this if it makes me crazed?
Well, I spelled it out below and I want to share. And a few cents won't hurt!
You will do fabulously at the sales! Love the little hoop projects!
Yay! You found my blog!!!! :) You see what I've been up to my eye balls in!!!! :)
I happen to know everything will go well for you this weekend! Don't forget to have fun while you are at it. London
Of course there will be people you don't want to see. LOL! Good luck.
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