Thursday, June 28, 2012

Done and done....almost!

If I am asked to make something I really like it finished yesterday! To have an 'obligation' hanging over me is unpleasant. So, yes, I kind of rushed to complete the wholesale order. What that means is I neglected certain other activities in order to get this done. The flower beds are wilting and they are loaded with weeds. The house definitely needs vacuuming and dusting! But the order for 60 tape measures is complete.
They need to be bagged, labeled, packaged and mailed but that's a not a big deal. If I don't change the sheets this week, done!!!!
Now if I can get another big order and have no time to cook.....


JoJo said...

Those are so cute!!!! I don't like the 'obligation' thing stifles my creativity, to be honest.

Barbra said...

I agree, wasn't as hard as I thought since the fabric was slightly different on each one so I didn't get bored.

JoJo said...

OMG OMG OMG You are coming here? To the Cape??? when? where are you staying? The email addy shown below isn't my main one, I use Do email me as I'd love to know where you are staying, and I can give you tips on stuff to see, and all that! :D