Thursday, November 29, 2007

Time Passes

Some things don't change and that's okay. At Thanksgiving, one of the things I was grateful for was never being in the headlines or on the news. Neither me nor anyone close to me. I got a strange look when I said it and then it sunk in. There is so much awful news and I have never been a part of anything monumentally awful like a natural disaster or war....or that positive either, like winning the lottery. That has been true my whole life. Okay, why am I going on like this, after turkey day, no less? Well, my birthday is Saturday and according to the numbers, a BIG one, so I have become a bit pensive, I guess. I really am so happy with my life today,where it is and what I am surrounded with. I know it sounds funny but I was always young until now! With a birthday in December and skipping a year in school, I was always the youngest around. I was 16 and a freshman in college. Well, now I'm not so young BUT the alternative isn't a choice. So what will change Saturday? I'll still cherish my wrinkles-I've earned them. I may stop obsessing about the few extra pounds-the pasta was worth it. I'll continue to take time to smell the roses and I already wear purple! Buttons will still be fun to me. I always remind my family that I love them and keep in close contact with those not nearby. So what will be different? Not much and that's okay by me! Just a bigger least it's not my jeans size!

Happy almost Birthday to me!!!


Nicole said...

i love that little drawing!

just wanted to wish you happy holidays. i just posted a freebie download on my blog if you're interested in checking it out!

Monica said...

Happy Birthday, Barbara! Funny little illustration, there.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! You still look young to me. I am so with you though....I love my age and obscurity. Who knew agedness would be so fun.

BellaColle said...

Okay.. for one rock! no matter what the age! You are only the age you birthday is the last day of this month! You, Kara of InnocentCharmsChats and I are all December babies..I'm soo glad your happy with your birthday! I want to be that way too... akk.!(two years shy of 40) It will be okay I know it when the clock strikes on the 31st...Here is a hug XXOO! Happy Birthday to ya!

Ivy & Mae said...

Age is but a number! Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

OMG that photo with the scale is priceless this time of year!!! Thanks for sharing!


pk fairaday said...

I like your way of thinking! Happy Birthday!