Monday, April 16, 2012


Here's my crotchety, yes, I'm getting old, new pet peeve....noisy restaurants. I cannot stand it and even when the food may be terrific, I am reluctant to go. Never noticed until lately how the octaves may be so high. What I can't understand is why some restaurants are quiet and some are so loud you can barely hear the waitress. It has little to do with price as some chains are quiet and some fine dining establishments are cacophonous! Some smallish places can be ear splitting but it usually is the larger restaurants that strain the timbers! So I guess it may be the sheer number of people? I don't know. I do know, when possible, I won't sit near children. Spent a life long career, 6+ hours a day with them. Love them but don't want to eat with them. I also have learned to sit near the walls of a restaurant. It's ear-splitting hell to sit in the center.
My hearing is fine and there is no loss, despite the many concerts in my youth, but when I'm out for a meal, whether a sandwich, an omelet or chicken cordon bleu....shhhhhhh!
Off crotchety-old-lady soapbox!


Nicole said...

I love it! I am right there with ya too. What I have noticed is some restaurants seem to be designed to facilitate the movement of sound. We've learned to try to go during off times, as there are less people & less noise. I will have to try the along the wall thing ... never thought of that.

Unknown said...

As a mom of three, I hate it when parents let their children be loud in restaurants. I realize we can't always stop a child being noisy...but take him or her outside!
Rhia from Five Minute Piece for Inspiration (about #777 on A to Z list)

Raige Creations said...

I feel the SAME WAY!
And another peeve I have is when the person sitting next to you leans forward and blocks you from conversation at the table.
But we don't go out near enough for me to really complain. So when we do, I behave and keep my rants to myself.

Barbra said...

So good to hear the quiet opinions and know I am not alone!

JoJo said...

A lot of it is the acoustics of the place. Red Robin is notoriously loud, so is Applebee's. There's a restaurant nearby that's been extremely loud since I was a child. The food was awesome but I remember my parents always being reluctant to go b/c you just couldn't hear yourself think.

Andrea said...

Hopped over from a-z...funny,, I complained abut just noise in general today!

Sandra Tyler said...

Where my mother lives. There are many any tourist restaurants. And they purposely have wood floors so it gets so noisy people don't linger, they eat and leave. Only go to carpeted restaurants. :))